A boat in turbulent waves requires experienced captain!
A company during crisis requires a qualified manager!
We are managers with experiences not reading the books only but from hands-on practical work in small family businesses, medium and large Slovak and international companies!
We offer our services to the growing Companies as well as companies who have to solve the issue first provide them external not only financial manager.
Peter Andrišin
Professional guarant and Founder of group Dozen. He has been working in the field of financial management for more than 28 years.

“28 years slovak and international experience and satisfied clients allow us to offer you external finance manager for your company. “
Peter Andrišin

We analyze the processes
- standardize and optimize processes in order to facilitate growth and optimize cost
- discover business weak points and eliminate them
- customize the right solution and implement it correctly

We setup correct processes
- focus managers on core activities to their business’ success by freeing them from back-office challenges
- drive organizations forward toward growth and prosperity

We motivate the team
- find and develop highly versatile and adaptive people who thrive on variety and change
- educate people at every organizational structure level
We meet customer expectations
Running a business is like sailing a boat, during nice weather also unexperienced people can make it. These “captains” often have no plan, are not able to identify risks and predict weather forecasts. During an unexpected situation they fall into “SHOCK´ DEATH”.
We offer you experienced Captains, who know how to plan, predict, dramatically react and bring you safely to your goal.
Contact us